Sunday, November 8, 2020

Second Hometown

Natural disasters can cause huge damage to cities, and people cannot do anything to stop it is from happening. What people can do is find ways to repair or rebuild the town after the natural disaster. I will always remember the day because there was an earthquake in Sichuan, ChinaThe earthquake destroyed my home and the whole city. The earthquake’s damage affected my hometown and caused my life to have been change. 

To begin withmy father felt sad that the place where he grew up was destroyed. He lost his job, the house and some memories of his childhood. He didn’t want to live in this place anymore because he thought his family would be able to have a better live. My father decided to leave Sichuan and went to America to make money. My father and his friend who grew up together when they were young planned to leave this countryMy mother was worried about my father, and she thought my father would be danger in America alone. Whenever my father told my mother that he was going to America, my mother would cry quietly. I could see her eyes were wet and her breathing became fast. One month after the earthquake, my father and his friends left their hometown. At the airport, my father and my mother hugged each other, and they said a lot. They said goodbye words like taking care of themselves and staying healthy. When we watched my father and his friends enter the plane, and my mother cried. I thought at this time my father would cry on the planebut also thought my father was a responsible man. Because of the earthquake, my family’s life began to change. 

Secondly, my mother thought that working in Sichuan didn’t provide enough income, so she decided to leave Sichuan and live in Guangdong. She believed that there was let her make more money. Of course, I also left my hometown with my mother. When we got to Guangdong, my mother quickly found a small rental house. The house felt wet, cold and dark, and it is like living under the ground. My mother was working in a factory. She went to work at around 9 am every day and went home to take a nap at 1 pm., and then went back to work at 3 pm until 7 pmEvery time I came back from school, I would make a lunch and dinner for myself, and waited for my mother came back to home. I wished I could do something for her and make her relaxed. After my father left this family, my mother's life became difficult and hard. That earthquake made my mother and me leave our hometown and life became more difficult. 

Finally, after seven years, my father decided to bring me and my mother to the United StatesMy father worked in a restaurant in Chicago with his friend. He was a chef. My father and his friends were the owners of this restaurant. In only seven years, my father bought a house in America. The house has only one floor, but it is enough for the three of us to live together. My mother was the happiest one because she could live with my father again. Our family can live together, eat together, and watch TV together. In Chicago is no earthquake cityand we could live here away from natural disasters! We decided to make Chicago our second hometown because our original hometown was destroyed. Although now the people rebuilt the city, but our home is not in the same place. The pond has been filled, and the field has gone. This earthquake let our family create a second hometown in Chicago. 

The earthquake destroyed my hometown, and this made our family leave to find another place to live. My father is the Columbus in our family. He brought us to America, so we can live together. My mother also worked hard for this family. She worked at the factory, took care of my life, and let me go to school. This is not easy for a woman. Now, America will be our second hometown, and my family will develop and prosper in this place. We believe that in this new country we will find a better life. 


  1. What a inspiring story. Your mother is a strong and lovly woman.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think your mother plays an essential role in your life.
    I hope our life can without a disaster.

  4. Your mother is very much like mine in character,through your essay I think of my mother.


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