Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Shadow of Childhood

 Shadow of Childhood 

Before the 1980s, most couples in China had more than three children. However, after the 1980s, couples could only have one or two children. China was a farming country, so many families wanted to have more kids to work the land. As a result, the population was growing rapidly. Due to overpopulation, China implemented the One-Child Policy that prohibited couples from giving birth to more than two children from the early 1980s. The government encouraged couples to have only one child, but people who lived in rural areas could have up to two children if their first child was a girl. People would lose their jobs or face high fines if they violated this policy.  My parents were traditional Chinese people, and they longed for a son, so they kept trying for a boy until they had their third child, my brother. As a result, the One-Child Policy of the early 1980s had a huge impact on my family. 

One of the most important effects was that my family had to flee to another city in order to avoid having a forced abortion and went through two very difficult years. The One-Child Policy was very strict and enforced by the local government. The local child policy department would force a woman to have an abortion after finding out who had violated the policy and became pregnant. Therefore, my family went to another city and lived in a relative’s extra mud house. My parents really wanted a son after they gave birth to two daughters. On the other hand, they were very worried that the child policy department would catch them. At that time, the department was only responsible to people who had registered as local residents. Our relative was generous, but he was not rich. The house we lived in was small and simple. My family had no income, and my father could not go out to work because we couldn’t let someone find out that we escaped to another city. Therefore, he could only do some jobs at home to support our family. 

Another effect was that the One-Child Policy caused my family to enter a bad financial situation. My family returned to our hometown after my younger brother was one year old. At the same time, my parents had to pay a huge fine for having their third child. My parents tried their best to gather money to pay the fine, but it was hard. They ended up borrowing money from some friends and relatives. They felt stressed about borrowing a lot of money. Besides, my two siblings and I hadn’t had new clothes for many years, and we only wore old clothes that someone gave us.  

The last effect is that my parents had to find another job and work harder. My father worked in a factory office after graduating from high school. However, after receiving a letter from the department of One-Child Policy, the factory owner found out that my parents had violated the policyand my father lost his job. My family didn’t have any income after my father lost his job. Therefore, my parents decided to go back to work the land in the village. In addition, they bought some sows for breeding. My parents worked very hard day after day. In the hot summer, when some people would take naps at home, they worked hard in the fields. Additionally, the sows gave birth to piglets twice a year, and my parents would sell them after they were four months old. Therefore, they could use the money to give back to friends or relatives and support our family. 

Although my family has gone through many difficult times over the years due to the One-Child Policy, they have never complained it. However, it had a huge impact on my childhood. Due to this policy, many families had to face high fines for their additional kidsand many women had to be forced to have abortions. Thusthe One- Child Policy has had good and bad aspects. It may be beneficial to the development of society. In contrast, it has taken away people’s freedom to have their children, and it may has caused permanent harm to people. 




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