Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A Story About My Name



Aug 29th, 2020 

A Story About My Name 

My name is JiaHui Cai. This is also my real name. Let me share about my name’s story with you. 

My name was decided by my mother and my grandma after looking up different names in the dictionary. They didn't think about what name to give me. One week before I was born, they kept looking for some hopeful words in the dictionary. Jia mean family in Chineseand the character looks like this, 家. The other word is Hui, and it means the sunrise in the morning. The Chinese character looks like this, 辉. My name means I am the new sunrise in my whole family. 

This name is popular in China. When I was in elementary school, there was someone named JiaHui too. He is in the same class as me, but our personalities are different. We are often mistaken by others because of our names.

I love my name, but many English speakers cannot pronounce very well. I made my name easier to read and pronounce, so I created my nickname for English speakers. I used my last name and changed the word “C” to “K”. That looks better and special. Kai looks like Japanese name or some intelligent systems (just like Ciri in our iPhone), but for me this just another way for people to call me. 

This is a story about my name. The origin of my name and its meaning.


  1. I think you are talented in choosing names. My junior high school classmate is also called jiahui.

  2. so, 家辉is a popular name in China, right? "jiahui liang(梁家辉) also a famous actor in China.

  3. I believe Jia is a popular name in your home country because my cousin also called jia.

  4. I like the meaning of your name,and Jia is a really cool.


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